Looking to part ways with your designer bag? Why not sell it on consignment at maisonoir-luxury? Our consignment service offers a hassle-free way to sell your bag while maximizing its value.

How Consignment Works

  1. Bring Your Bag to Us: Bring your gently used designer bag to our store. Our team will carefully inspect your bag to assess its condition and authenticity.
  2. Set the Price: Together, we'll determine a fair selling price for your bag based on its brand, condition, and market demand. We'll work with you to ensure that you receive the best possible value for your item.
  3. Display and Promotion: Once your bag is accepted for consignment, we'll display it prominently in our store and promote it through our marketing channels to attract potential buyers.
  4. Sell and Get Paid: Sit back and relax while we handle the sale of your bag. Once it's sold, you'll receive your payment as agreed upon during the consignment process.

Why Consign with Us:

  • Maximize Your Earnings: Our consignment service allows you to earn more for your bag compared to selling it outright.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from our team's expertise in pricing and marketing luxury bags to ensure a successful sale.
  • Convenience: Let us take care of the selling process for you, from authentication and pricing to promotion and sale.
  • Reach a Wider Audience: Tap into our established customer base and online presence to reach potential buyers far and wide.

Start Consigning Today:

Ready to sell your bag on consignment? Contact us by mail: contact@maisonnoir-luxury.com or WhatsApp ( +32489003602) to get started. Our team is here to assist you every step of the way, from evaluation to sale.

Turn your designer bag into cash with ease at Maisonnoir-luxury